Thermal Mapping
We are working in the Infrared Roof Moisture Survey industry serving the requirements of our global clients with our AutoCAD layout drawings. We are working with some of the leading US and European companies working on producing Analysis reports. Our roof moisture survey drawing service provides most efficient, accurate and inexpensive drawings and reports to our customers. We provide services to the roof moisture survey industry via our partners in offshore locations.
What we need as inputs
We are provided with high resolution imagery along with the site address to accurate conversions of the roof plans. We scale the drawings with the help of best source available. We accurately capture the roof perimeter along with the roof equipments and obstructions such as vents, ducts, pipes etc…
We are also provided with either the thermograph or the automatically generated roof anomaly layers for probable and possible wet layers. If we are provided with the thermographs, with our remote sensing experience we detect the possible and probable wet zones and areas and digitize them manually thru heads up process.
If we get the anomaly layers we normalize these automatically layers into standard entities and overlay this on the AutoCAD layers. This can further be overlaid on the roof to produce the report.
What we provide
We provide accurate AutoCAD layouts consisting of roof plan, probable and possible wet layers and the analysis of each face of the roof with percentage of wet areas for estimation purpose. We can also provide you other details in the report as per your standards.
We understand Time is Money. Our cost effective services due to low wage rate in India while maintaining high quality standards have shown a significant effect on our customer’s businesses. That is why we remain the preferred choice for our customers as their Satellite roof measurement company.
We have a team of experienced professionals who can work using different applications. We can adopt any kind of technology or proprietary software application as per client requirements to produce the Reports. We strictly never use any such proprietary information or software application across clients. We work with non-disclosure agreements put in place. We have many years of experience in this Roof moisture drawing services and can handle any volume of work with a stipulated time frame and turnaround as low as 48 hours or even lesser while maintaining high quality standards. We are very flexible in our working and can work round the clock if there is continued business. Additional resources can also be utilized if the demand is more. We are always open to have a dialogue and describe our services in greater detail. We can work execute no-obligation pilot project to exhibit our capabilities and service standards.
Our services are best-in-class and are backed by customer references. Please click here to get in touch for further details. We are confident that it would be worth the time.