GIS Company India, Outsource GIS Mapping, GIS conversion services India, GIS solutions company, GIS raster to vector

….Geographical Information Systems…

“A geographic information system (GIS) is a computer-based tool for mapping and analyzing things that exist and events that happen on earth. GIS technology integrates common database operations such as query and statistical analysis with the unique visualization and geographic analysis benefits offered by maps.”

DimensionI is an offshore value added service provider! It specialises in undertaking GIS contracting services like GIS conversion, GIS Mapping, Digital Image Processing, Remote Sensing, Rectification of Orthophotographs, Application Development, Conversion of manual maps to GIS etc…



Many businesses are using GIS for target marketing, competitive analysis, demographic analysis, risk management, route planning, and expansion analysis.


The health care industry is successfully using GIS for marketing and promotion, research and planning, facilities management, and finance.


Local, State, and Federal governments use GIS for economic development, legislative reform, voter registration and administration, zoning and land use controls, and emergency route management, just to name a few uses.


Organizations with delivery vehicles can use GIS for routing and scheduling, facilities management, vehicle tracking and dispatch, and warehouse operations.


GIS is being used in agricultural business for production analysis, precision farming, runoff and non-point source pollution control, regulatory compliance, and financial modelling.


Higher education and K-12 have used GIS for administration, school district remapping and student assignment, research, teaching, and community services.


Telecommunications companies have implemented GIS for target marketing, wireless engineering, customer support, outside plant engineering, construction management, and communication network routing and operation.


Gas and Electric companies use GIS for marketing, customer service, transmission and distribution system management, power generation and load management, meter reading, billing and collection, finance, operations, and engineering planning and design.


GIS is in use by the Petroleum Industry for retail, distribution, facilities management, and exploration.


GIS is an integral part of environmental management today. GIS can be used for site remediation, natural resource management, waste management, water quality, groundwater modelling, and vegetation mapping.


GIS forms an integral part of the emergency response mechanisms in place in most large-scale E-911 installations. The GIS is used to assist in real-time emergency response, in addition to being used for planning the response to future man-made or natural disasters.


Building a pipeline may require GIS for risk management, market analysis, route planning and construction, and operation and maintenance once the pipeline has been put into service.


GIS has been emerging as a strong tool for many areas of forestry, from harvesting schedules to urban forestry.


Resources to finding out about the application of GIS in the real estate industry and market analysis.


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Dimension India is the world's leading CAD services provider to Companies, AEC firms, real estate companies and municipal governments. The company serves its customers all over the globe through its offices in New Delhi. Our services are best-in-class and are backed by glowing customer references. Please feel free to get in touch for a discussion.