Paper to CAD drafting services, Architectural Maps, Mechanical & civil maps, Machine Drawings, Historical Archives, Construction documents

Vision & Mission

The great visionaries are the ones that will harness the Internet’s full potential and establish leadership positions early in the game. We’re visionaries at Dimension I. We’re effective communicators. The Internet is the corporate communications forum for the next century. Dimension I, asks that you make yourself comfortable, lean back, put on a pot-a-Joe and consider your company’s options.

Whatever your aspiration, Dimension I, holds the key that will unlock the door to your future. Our capabilities are limitless.

To seek out competitive advantages for our clients through innovative use of technology; and to help them achieve long-term success and prosperity. And to provide uncompromising customer services and satisfaction regardless of the type of product or service offered.

Leveraging value from your information systems “Dimension I is committed to providing quality, intelligent, business mapping products and services that enable our clients to leverage significant value from their investment in information technology systems”

Core Values

  • Dedication
  • Honesty
  • Competence
  • Corporate & Personal Discipline

Have your any question
  • Can I get a free sample & price / time quote?
  • How and when do we communicate?
  • What is the turnaround time?
  • Do you have customer references?
  • Do I pay per hour, per project or per person?
  • How and when do I pay?
We have the answers.
Email at