CAD service providers, CAD Outsourcing, Architectural CAD Drafting, Drafting India, outsource drafting work to India

Quality Standards

Our focus on client satisfaction inspires us to maintain high quality standards in executing our architectural and engineering services. We believe that it is the contribution of unsurpassed quality that can elevate us to the pinnacle of success and make us a reckoned name in the market, as an offshore service provider.

Being an ISO 9001: 2000 certified company, Dimension India Networks Pvt. Ltd is persistent in the efforts of maintaining the quality standards in its services. Right from initiating the design to the completion of drawings and details, we adhere to the standards recommended by ISO and strictly implement quality management systems.

Not only do we implement the ISO standards, but also assure that we execute the best practices prevalent in the industry. Our entire processes are carried out under the supervision of expert professionals so that no stone is left unturned to assure quality and reliability in our endeavors and output.

Dimension India Procedure

Dimension India follows the steps listed below to make drawings. The document conversion is accurately performed using AutoCAD, Microstation, AutoCAD Map, ArcView, MapInfo, ArcInfo, ERDAS, ERMapper and other CAD and GIS softwares software applications. Below is a brief list of steps performed by Dimension India.


It starts with a scan

Scanning is perhaps the most overlooked factor in the conversion process. This is the single most valuable feature in starting the conversion process and is far more valuable than increased resolution. Scanning these archives into compressed raster format allows them to be enabled for faster revisions and improved distribution. Good separation of text, quality line representation, and smooth raster geometry are also important aspects that should be considered in more detail when selecting your solution. Conversion to full vector CAD format is the most sensitive to a well-scanned image.


Entry of CAD drawings

We are experts in entering all types of facility management drawings. Our CAD services team is made up of experts; in fact, the majority of our CAD drawing services team have degrees in facility management, architecture, etc., so they know what they are looking at. We have extensive services experience in drawing the following types of drawings:

  • Architectural floor plan CAD drawings
  • Space plan CAD drawings
  • Furniture CAD drawings
  • Reflected ceiling plans / CAD drawings
  • Departmental occupancy CAD plans
  • MEP CAD drawings
  • Evacuation CAD plans
  • Data center CAD drawings
  • Note: we do NOT do CAD services for mechanical parts drawings, schematic drawings, isometric drawings, etc.
  • We DO provide extensive services that deal with floor plans and any related drawings

Standardization of existing CAD drawings

Most organizations have existing CAD drawings of some form; however, most are not in good shape. Our CAD Services team can help. Our CAD drawing clean up and standardization service takes existing drawings, updates them and makes them all comply with your organizational standards. You get back drawing files that are consistent and far more usable. Our state-of-the-art tools help expedite the process resulting in lower cost for you. Our patented CAD Drawing Audit and Data Audit tools allow us to guarantee and prove results.


CAD standards

Having enforceable, published CAD Standards is an important step to ensuring that all CAD drawings in your company library are consistent and reliable. Once standards are established it is necessary to review and update existing drawings. Although important to facilities management, this process can be tedious, overwhelming, and very time consuming.

Using best practices and industry standards, Dimension India will develop a tailored CAD Standards Manual and define processes that will manage and maintain the accuracy of the space data for your facilities.

Dimension India has created hundreds of CAD Standards programs designed to give clients consistent, standardized, high-quality drawings. These Standards enable everyone involved in facilities management projects to understand requirements and procedures governing the creation and transfer of CAD drawings.

Once these CAD Standards are established and published, it is necessary to review and update existing CAD drawings. Using automated routines developed and tested over the last decade, Dimension India will analyze existing drawings against the new standards and produce exception reports used to modify and clean drawings as required.


Layering Standards

Layering standards are essential to seamlessly share graphic information data throughout the CAD/GIS industry. Implementation of layers in a file enables better management of visual information.

The most widely used set of layering standards has been developed by the American Institute of Architects (AIA). Dimension India automatically uses the AIA layering standards during the conversion of a document unless the client has supplied their own set of layering standards.

Drawings layers are organized into major categories or groups. The major groups are further subdivided into minor groups. Each group represents a layer in the converted file. Each layer is labeled using a consistent, easy-to-remember abbreviation. The major groups defined by the AIA include:


Ambiguities, Data Conflicts

Ambiguities can exist on almost any sheet and there must be conversion “rules of thumb” in place to handle them. These rules also ensure communication consistency between Dimension India and our clients. Some of our common ambiguities and “rules-of-thumb” include: undimensioned original drawings, unclear data on the original documents, and data conflicts.


Unclear Entities on Original Document

When data on the original documsents is unclear or difficult to interpret, the Engineer creates a “Doubt” layer in the CAD file. For each unclear entity that appears in the converted CAD file, the Engineer inserts a “red box”. The red box is an identifier that displays the unclear data. Our clients can then quickly zoom into the unclear area and make any necessary modifications. The “Doubt ” layer also goes through four Stages of Quality Check and will remain after Stage 4 only in cases where the data was too unclear on the original sheets to convert.


Data Conflicts

Since, Dimension India operators manually redraw each entity shown on the original document, occasionally a dimension shown on the original document will conflict with the measurement scaled by our operator. In such cases, the actual dimension shown on the document is used as the default. Therefore, we can ensure that all of our conversions are dimensionally correct.


Tools of Vectorization

Overlay tracing : This is often referred to as heads-up digitizing. A scanned image is loaded into the CAD system as a backdrop and the image is “traced” over with CAD entities. This is very similar to the idea of digitizing but a digitizer table is not needed.

Overlay tracing is quicker than a complete redraw, but is still labor-intensive, tedious, and time-consuming. It is a good option when working with poor-quality drawings. Raster snapping and heads-up digitizing improve throughput and accuracy over traditional hand-digitizing methods, which are still widely used.

Batch conversion: Batch tools work with a set of predefined rules to recognize unique settings such as text classification, width separations, and geometrics. This works best when drawing quality is very good, drawings are consistent, and the desired result is basic primitives. Results of batch systems will often require clean-up to ensure the converted drawing meets the needs of the user.

Selective or interactive conversion : This is the most promising of the CAD conversion techniques. It combines the intuitive knowledge of the user with an interactive line-following or selective conversion process. These tools allow an operator to isolate selected geometry and text, and then work within the limiting factors of the technology.

As an example, a topographical map is converted by selecting a raster contour then the software vector traces it to an intersecting or gap position. This process is repeated for the entire trace. Then an elevation is assigned to make it a 3-D model for the GIS system to take over.

Hybrid process : A fully hybrid approach is one where scanned archives and CAD systems are maintained for a drawing. The term hybrid in this case means a combination of both raster (scanned) and vector (CAD) drawings. Hybrid editing means using both raster data and vector data simultaneously. Changes can be made within either environment. Information can be exchanged back and forth between two distinctive formats, thus offering the most efficient method for modifying the old within the new.

Calibration between the raster database and vector drawing model is typically provided with a reference or resource file. This file contains scaling and coordinate transforms to provide a real-world coordinate system on an otherwise unintelligent raster database.

Deteriorated drawings can be scanned, cleaned up, and stored in raster. Modifications can be made to the drawing in raster or areas of the drawing can be converted into CAD vectors, as it becomes necessary. This combination of raster and vector can also be plotted and stored.

Working in a hybrid environment allows use of the scanned drawings immediately. Decisions to modify, plot, or vectorize can be made as needed. Investing time and money to convert existing drawings can be done on a “just in time” basis.

With reduced labor costs and improved usage of CAD, the benefits of revising drawings electronically are clear. What may not be clear is the trade-off of investing in the upfront conversion to full CAD vs. taking advantage of lower cost hybrid and raster CAD systems.


Quality Control

Dimension India has a 100% guarantee policy. Our goal is to have every customer as a reference. We endeavor to provide a quality and service level which delights our customers.

Dimension India assures the highest degree of quality and accuracy for each converted CAD file. Converted files are checked and rechecked to make sure that all CAD standards were followed and that the document was converted accurately.

Dimension India executes four levels of quality control (Quality Check) for each converted CAD file. If errors are detected at any Stage, the file is returned to the original Engineer for corrections. Once corrections have been made, the file re-enters the Stage 1 to Stage 4 Quality Check process again. Upon successfully passing each Stage of Quality Check, the converted CAD file is supplied to the client. The information below outlines the Dimension India Quality Check procedures:

Stage 1 The Engineer converts and checks the CAD file to make sure that all instructions and standards were followed. When the Engineer is confident that the file is complete, it is then passed to Stage 2.

Stage 2: The Stage 2 CAD manager plots converted file and compares it to original document for errors or omissions. The file is also reviewed for compliance with all special instructions, layering schemes and standards. Errors and omissions are noted and the CAD manager works with the Engineer to assure that all errors and omissions are corrected as necessary. When the file is 100% accurate, the file is passed to Stage 3.

Stage 3: The Stage 3 CAD manager reviews the corrected document for 100% accuracy. All instructions and standards are checked again.

Stage 4: The Stage 4 CAD manager visually compares and approves that the electronic file matches the original document. The file is then distributed to.



The final set of files can also be indexed for quick reference. For example, Dimension India can create a Microsoft Excel file to include each sheet names and title. The sheet name corresponds to the filename written onto the CD-ROM or Internet transfer.

Dimension India, creates a package to be returned to the client. The package includes all documents requested by the client including final electronic files on media, original hardcopies (if requested), invoice, etc. Upon request by the client, the paper documents can be returned or destroyed. Electronic files can be destroyed or archived by Dimension India , for future needs by the client.



Dimension India maintains electronic tape/CD backups of converted files over the most recent 5 years. A backup is created monthly and includes:

  • Project profile standards;
  • TIF/JPG images of original sheets submitted by client to be converted;
  • final files;
  • Any updated files.

Project data can be retrieved and accessed by the Customer at any time.



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  • Do you have customer references?
  • Do I pay per hour, per project or per person?
  • How and when do I pay?
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