Drawing Maps Scanning
Dimension India specialize in the conversion of hard copy information into digital formats. We offer scanning services to convert data for you.
Overview – Large Format Drawing Scanning
Scanning of large format drawings/documentation from A4 to A0 plus sizes. Both color and monochrome drawing scanning services are available. Typically 2,500 A0 monochrome drawing scans can be scanned and stored on just one 650Mb CD ROM. Therefore many drawing cabinets that are generally expensive to store and locate can be squeezed down to a few CD ROMS.
Large format drawing scanning is normally done at 200dpi, though depending on the exact requirement this can be increased to 400dpi.
Technical Information
- Scanned information can be supplied in many different formats. Standard formats are as follows:
- TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) the most standard raster format
- PDF (Portable Data Format), which can be a simple raster scan or can include OCR information, for cutting and pasting to other applications
- GIF, generally used for internet applications
- JPEG for color images
Scans and index information can be returned on CD ROM complete with search, view, print software which can be easily configured for network access as well as local CD based access, alternatively the data can be loaded onto the DDMS Browser document management system.
Cost effective solutions for scanning, digitizing and archiving services with customized search and retrieval software for converting paper archives into digital format are now available. The services pertain to engineering design, aec, gis, administrative sectors. Its application includes drawings, maps, manuals, microfilms etc. Scanning services for digital archival and retrieval purpose; cad conversion services-for conversion of paper drawings into editable cad files; ocr conversion services-for conversion of paper documents into editable MS-office files; and dms-document management solutions software for extremely fast search and retrieval of drawings and documents. Our company has successfully executed several projects involving thousands of drawings, documents and maps.